Conscious Movements - Embodiment Nature and the Feldenkrais Method.jpg

find yourself in motion

Tune in and tend to your body’s innate wisdom.

Ready to feel safe, alive, and free in your body?

Join me for an upcoming Conscious Movements Continuum class. These classes are offered on a Dāna (aka pay from the heart) basis and are a wonderful way to start tuning in and tending to your embodied wisdom.

Your body is the central place where you experience life!

We are all somewhere on the spectrum of being disembodied. We might ignore, numb out, criticize, or straight up loathe the body we’re in.

The truth is we feel more alive when we understand the language of our bodies and heed the calling to connect deeply with ourselves, others, and the rhythms of nature.


Conscious Movements Continuum Class

Not sure where to begin? The Pay From Your Heart Drop-In Classes are just for you! You’ll tap into a new way of exploring movement in ways that you can easily integrate into your daily life right away.

 register today→

Self-Study Programs:
Audio Downloads

Ready to start your embodied journey but not ready to commit to a membership? Enjoy an array of self-paced audio download programs designed to help you tap into your body's wisdom. Each series is a beautiful blend of gentle, somatic movement and prompts for inner inquiry for a whole-human approach to transformation.

 explore more→

The Embodied Well

Created for those who feel a stirring deep inside for more love, greater ease in body & mind, and a deeper sense of connection. This membership is a sacred space that offers a variety of live (online) classes designed to help you unearth the wisdom you hold deep in your body and a robust library of self-guided series and practices to support your movement and growth between the live series.

about the membership→

Feeling safe, alive, and free in your body is your birthright!

You have nothing to prove, and you can’t get this wrong. So, give yourself permission to slow down and tap into your body's wisdom for a deeper understanding of who you are, what you need, and where you want to go.

We all want to be at home in our skin and at ease in mind, body, heart, and spirit. However, most have lost their ability to settle into their natural state of curiosity. Instead, they live with the whispers of self-judgment and inner criticism that accompany the need to ‘fix it.’

If you feel like your experience of life has dulled or that the search for self-improvement has left you in a standoff with a body, you’re in the right place. Here at Conscious Movements, you’ll discover a kinder and gentler way to relate to your body, yourself, and the world.


My name is Buffy Owens, and I’m obsessed with helping people understand the language of their bodies so that they feel their love, power, and purpose pulsing through every cell of their being.

Our culture has prioritized seeking answers and understanding outside ourselves and diminished the incredible wisdom of our bodies. I believe this over-externalization disempowers and disconnects. And I know that we can shift the narrative. We can grow together and co-evolve a world rooted in love, steeped in meaningful connections, and guided by the deep and direct knowing within us.


I initially, I came to Buffy to see if the Feldenkrais Method could help me overcome limitations from an injury. I’ve stayed because it offered that and so much more.
— Cindy