I am so excited to share this list of sensory words with you. Expanding your repertoire for moving, sensing, thinking, and feeling is a powerful resource for living an embodied and well life.

The words you use matter—the more refined your language, the more refined your experience.


that expand your experience



I’m Buffy Owens, and I want you to understand the language of your body so that you can fully experience life & have the impact you desire.

Now more than ever, we need embodied, attuned, and empathic presence. As human beings, our very essence is woven from connection - the innate desire to co-regulate, co-heal, and co-evolve.

We have the opportunity to change the world together.

Our culture has prioritized the search for fullness, nourishment, and connection outside of ourselves and our bodies. It’s a culture that leads to disintegration and feelings of separation. I believe returning to a sense of wholeness and deep connection is possible. That’s why I’m passionate about teaching people how to understand the language of their bodies so that they can listen to the wisdom from within.

This often looks like cultivating safety in our biology, laying a foundation for nourishment, and tapping into the potency of gentle movement and the power of breathwork. So, please join me in exploring how to live embodied and well.

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Photo Credits: ©International Feldenkrais Federation Archive: Bob Knighton, Robert Golden, Rosalie O'Connor. Other photos from Piotr Wozniak, Wellness Stock Shop, and Unsplash. Servicemarks of The Feldenkrais Guild®: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®