

Sleep, Knowledge Buffy Owens Sleep, Knowledge Buffy Owens

Want Less Pain & Greater Well-Being? Sleep!

What is this one single thing that profoundly impacts your brain and body, both in the short- and long-term?

It's simple: sleep.

Would you be shocked to know some researchers say that "good sleep guarantees well-being and mental health"?(1) 

Why is sleep so crucial? What is sleep, and how do we do it? How much is "enough quality sleep"? How does it do these incredible things for health and wellness? And, most importantly, how can you get better sleep?

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Life Stories, Move, Mind Buffy Owens Life Stories, Move, Mind Buffy Owens

Movement Of Emotions

Recently a student approached me at the end of class and asked me if experiencing strong emotions while doing Awareness Through Movement was normal. My answer: “Yes.” Emotions don’t surface all of the time, but it does happen, and the intensity of the experience can vary.

When I first started reading Moshe Feldenkrais’ books nearly 25 years ago, I was utterly obsessed with the mind-body connections—specifically how I could shift my emotional base and perspectives by working with my body. I consumed his writings along with those of Ida Rolf, Alexander Lowen, and books like Emotional Anatomy.

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Knowledge, Mind Buffy Owens Knowledge, Mind Buffy Owens

Mood, Food, Inflammation & Mental Health

Mental health issues have a significant impact on society. Some suggest that their influence is more significant than any other chronic disease, including heart disease or diabetes. And if you suffer from persistent pain, then you're four times as likely to have depression or anxiety than those who are pain-free.

There are so many factors involved in complex conditions like mental health issues and persistent pain. But today, we're going to look at just one of these factors — inflammation.

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