Brainy Bliss Balls

Brainy Bliss Balls.jpg

Variety isn’t just the spice of life, it’s the key to nourishing yourself fully.

I recently had a run-in with a tick that landed me on antibiotics. It's one of the joys in living in a region with an AMAZING AUTUMN! Unfortunately, we also have an incredibly high incidence of both Lyme and Anaplasmosis. 

Why this recipe?

I needed something handy to eat with my antibiotics to keep my tummy in check. Plus, who doesn't need a quick treat that nourishes the brainy bits? Enter the Brainy Bliss Balls.

What I Love About These Energy Balls

First and foremost, they are super easy to make. Second, these bliss balls are delicious! I love the hint of spice that comes in at the end due to the cayenne. I was surprised by the spicy kick as it doesn't come through when I make a warm coconut milk tonic from the same Cacao Blend from Sun Potion. Finally, I love that these little nuggets of nourishing joy offer a spectrum, albeit in small amounts, of nourishment — from the adaptogens to the nuts & dates. 

If you know me, you know that I try to expand the variety of foods and movements that I consume whenever possible. Variety isn't just the spice of life. It's the key to nourishing yourself fully. 

Let's have a quick look at some of the ingredients.



Walnuts are considered one of the top nuts for brain health. They have a significantly high concentration of DHA, a type of Omega-3 fatty acid. Plus, they contain iron, selenium, calcium, zinc, vitamin E, and some B vitamins. 


These delights are a great sweetener of choice. They are rich in trace amounts of minerals and vitamins (magnesium and potassium especially!), they give these bliss balls a luscious chewy, 'truffley' consistency.


Cacao contains the mood improver compound, anandamide – known as the bliss molecule, which creates a feeling of euphoria. This chocolaty base also offers the mood-enhancing compound phenethylamine (PEA). PEA triggers the release of endorphins and pleasurable opium-like neurochemicals. But that's not all! Cacao may also improve brain blood flow, oxygen levels, and nerve function

Buffy Owens

My sacred work is working with women in their 'pause years who co-evolve together through embodiment, meditation, and leaning into their regenerative purpose.

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