Pause Well - Midlife Metabolic Reset For Women.jpg

‘pause for purpose

know & nourish your resilient purpose

Who are you beneath the noise and below the shoulds? Your menopause journey is an initiation and adventure in unearthing who you are at your core. These ‘pause years can bring you into a deep sense of alignment and awaken your regenerative purpose so that you may be a potent agent of change in the world.

Know yourself.
Reclaim the wisdom of your body.
Live your regenerative purpose.

Regenerative Purpose
through the lens of

It’s time to
inhabit yourself more fully.
The world needs all of who you are.

Feldenkrais For Chronic Pain - Reaching Forward

You’re Ready…

For a little sacred selfishness. Your heart longs to rediscover who you truly are without the cultural conditioning and fear of judgment or rejection.

To feel at home in your skin. It seems like time has suddenly caught up with you, and you’re unable to hear the whispers of wisdom within, feel fully alive, or express yourself freely.

To experience a restoration of purpose and meaning. You know the world needs more of us in our full power — the world needs you.


You’re sick of the culture of overconsumption, constant production, and perpetual doing.


Sometimes, your disconnect keeps you searching for answers ‘out there.’


You’re tired of all the doing and doing it all on your own.


This menopause experience is no joke. Your body & brain aren’t what they used to be.


You’ve lost sight of your sense of purpose and often find yourself floating adrift in a sea of other people’s needs.


You know the world is magical and wild — much more than you have been taught to believe.



If you’re here reading this, chances are you’re a woman whose heart is telling you that there’s more. You sense a calling stirring within. But you feel held back by your lack of energy, dwindling focus, and the disconnect you have from your body.

You’ve read the self-help books and talked in circles with friends who deal with similar issues. You might even have “ah-ha’s” around how to best move forward.

But you end up having those same insights over and over, and nothing really changes.

That’s because lasting change doesn’t happen through the intellect. It happens by inhabiting all of who you are — your brilliant mind, the incredible wisdom of your body, and your beautiful spirit.

It’s not magic, but it feels like it.

‘pausing for purpose


exclusively for women on their menopause journey

‘Pause Power

✔ Bi-Weekly Group Coaching
✔ Quarterly Purposeful Immersions
✔ Embodied Well Membership
✔ Circle Of Presence
24 Private Sessions
Private Resource Library
Chat & email support (M-F)
‘Pause For Purpose Retreat

Limited spaces available. Let’s find out if we’re a good fit.

‘Pause Presence

✔ Bi-Weekly Group Coaching
✔ Quarterly Purposeful Immersions
✔ Embodied Well Membership
✔ Circle Of Presence
✔ 24 Private Sessions
✔ Private Resource Library
✔ Chat & email support (M-F)
✔ ‘Pause For Purpose Retreat

Space is limited to 12 women. Let’s find out if this is right for you!

Most people behave as if their future is completely and irrevocably forfeited by what they have done in the past. This conviction is so deep that they continue to live in the past...

—Moshe Feldenkrais

Hi, I’m Buffy.

My name is Buffy Owens, and I am known for holding powerful space for people without judgment or expectation. Through embodiment-based coaching, clients access their deepest layers of intuition and connect with their own sacredness and wisdom.

Again and again, clients talk about our work as “magic.”

As I see it, magic is what happens when we feel seen, heard, and loved.

I draw from 30 years of serious study of somatics (the mind-body connection), meditation, and extensive knowledge of physiology and psychology. Connecting others with our deep interconnection with the Earth holds a special place in my heart — from regenerative farming to the healing power of spending time in nature.

As a woman in her ‘pause years, I understand how potent this time is and how easy it is to feel overwhelmed by the world. The medicine is in the depths. Let’s go there together.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No two sessions are the same. But generally speaking, each session involves the following:

    • A Drop-in Process: We’ll begin by purposefully moving you from your head to your body so that you can feel what is going on for you. It’s a somatic practice often involving Awareness, Breath, Movement, and Sound.

    • Embodied Intention: You’ll set an intention. With your body as your guide, you’ll tap into your inner wisdom and uncover your TRUE desire in terms of how you want to feel and how you wish to move forward rather than just thinking your way into something you SHOULD feel/do.

    • Unstick Any Surface Stresses: if necessary, we’ll use the appropriate somatic practices to feel the stressors and ease them. Embodied Action: Staying connected to your heart, body, and mind, we’ll dive into strategy or create more clarity. We’ll stay present with what’s needed.

    • Insights & Integrations: We share our key insights and identify your next steps in moving toward what’s next.

  • When you sign up for ‘Pause for Purpose, you get access to the Embodied Well Membership.


    I want you to have all the resources you need, including the power of the Embodied Action sessions that happen each week. Think of these as co-writing sessions for your purpose, your life, and your dreams.

  • I’m still gaining clarity, and I know that, to some degree, it will be an emergent and co-creative process.

    I know…

    • it will be an intimate mastermind of around 12 purpose-guided, menopausing, brilliant women.

    • we’ll connect online for specialized classes, circles, and gatherings.

    • there will be some meditation and energetic work in the mix.

    • we’ll gather in person for a retreat 2025.

    • I’m excited to see what unfolds once it’s live and thriving.

  • I promise to be present with you. I promise to fully accept you as and where you are while holding your pupose and intention with you and a sense for where we’re headed together. I promise to give you a loving container you can lean into.

Maturity itself is a process, and not a final state; it is the process whereby past personal experience is broken up into its constituent parts and new patterns are formed out of them to fit the present circumstances of the environment and the present state of the body.

—Moshe Feldenkrais

Have the impact and the life you envision!

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Photo Credits: ©International Feldenkrais Federation Archive: Bob Knighton, Robert Golden, Rosalie O'Connor. Other photos from Piotr Wozniak, Wellness Stock Shop, and Unsplash. Servicemarks of The Feldenkrais Guild®: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®