

Move, Knowledge Buffy Owens Move, Knowledge Buffy Owens

Age Well & Move With Ease

A big part of aging gracefully is being willing to change how you think. One of the easiest facets of shifting our thoughts is to shift how our thinking about movement and to become a thinking body. Remember, how you treat your body is inseparable from how you cope with other aspects of life.

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Move, Knowledge Buffy Owens Move, Knowledge Buffy Owens

Exploring. Learning. Breathing.

Have you ever wondered why you hold your breath when doing something new?

We often take our breath for granted, usually breathing in and out 12-16 times every minute without being aware of it. Most of us only notice our breath when something happens to prevent us from breathing normally. Others intentionally bring their attention to the breath as part of mindfulness practice.

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Knowledge Buffy Owens Knowledge Buffy Owens

The Brilliance of W-Sitting

The brilliance of w-sitting and learning how to play for another way.

I have come across several articles recently that suggest that you tell your child NO or that you insist your child sit differently every time you find her sitting in the “W” position. But I am here to say that the No-No approach deprives both you and your child of valuable learning.

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